We are looking for hands-on involvement

Small, integrated groups of volunteers have staying power. We encourage you to prayerfully consider how you might get involved.

Ashley: A volunteer’s perspective of FVCA

Hear from Ashley, one of our TNT (Teen Night Together) volunteers, about her involvement with the ministry.


 Current Volunteer Opportunities

TNT— Meals


The TNT Ministry provides dinner for the TNT students weekly on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights during the school year.

Although our main “ask” is to provide meals to the students, our main goal is to introduce our volunteers to the TNT program, where they can be exposed to the heart of the ministry. We pray that our volunteers would be prompted by the Holy Spirit to seek more involvement with the students and families. Volunteer with us today. Make a real difference tomorrow!

Want to learn more about how you can join our TNT meal team?

Contact: Bill Warren bill@fvca.org or 630-584-2222 ×208 or click below.

TNT— High School

High School teens in small group

TNT is FVCA’s Leadership Development Program for high school students. It’s a time where students can learn more about themselves, grow in a relationship with Jesus, hangout with friends and play sports and games.

We are looking for volunteers to lead small groups, lead activities, help with food service, drive vans or buses, and build relationships with our teens.

High school TNT meets on Tuesday nights

Click the button below to fill out an interest form, and a member of our staff will contact you with additional information!


Reach TNT directly:


(630) 584-2222 x227

TNT— Middle School


TNT is FVCA’s Leadership Development Program for middle school students. It’s a time where students can learn more about themselves, grow in a relationship with Jesus, hangout with friends and play sports and games.

We are looking for volunteers to lead small groups, lead activities, help with food service, drive vans or buses, and build relationships with our teens.

Middle school TNT meets on Wednesday nights

Click the button below to fill out an interest form, and a member of our staff will contact you with additional information!


Reach TNT directly:


(630) 584-2222 x227



Whether it’s spreading mulch, pulling weeds, painting a cabin or building an obstacle course for summer camp, our facility team always has opportunities for volunteer help!

Click the button below to fill out an interest form, and a member of our staff will contact you with additional information!


Reach Joe directly:

(630) 584-2222 x209



Have a heart to serve at one of our fundraising events? We have a variety of events throughtout the year and multiple ways to serve at each event.

Click the button below to fill out an interest form, and a member of our staff will contact you with additional information!


Reach Renee Edsall directly:

(630) 584-2222 x221

Summer Camp

Teen Program campers dancing

Volunteers are crucial for the operation of summer camp! Summer volunteers expand the scope and scale of activities that FVCA can provide for campers!

Click the button below to fill out an interest form, and a member of our staff will contact you with additional information!


Reach Lorne directly:

(630) 584-2222 x214